Thursday, 2 August 2018

Hey good lookin', tell me whatcha got cookin'...

A few things have happened since my last post one being that Yorkshire Tea heard our plea, followed by an online twitter campaign, will from now on stop using plastic in their tea bags!
Small steps which hopefully others will follow so you know if you still like the ease of using tea bags then I can recommend Yorkshire Tea. All we need to do now is to get them to stop using plastic packaging... though one thing at a time!

*Just a note, YT has in no way paid or asked me to say this, apart from it being a really good tea they were receptive and open so why not share their greatness and tell others!

Apart from small online victories I have also started thinking about adding savoury recipes to this blog.
Initially it was going to be all about baking but as I'm discovering vegan food is amazing but not always the easiest or simplest type of cuisine plus I thought I'd like to share my triumphs like a fab "cheese" recipe I found.
OK It doesn't have to be hard, by no way do you have to spend hours in the kitchen but I fear that it's me and the difficulty I'm finding in letting go of certain foods. Yes... After almost 30 years of being a vegetarian I finally waved goodbye to cheese and eggs. Yes, I know you're probably thinking "You took your bloody time!" and although that is true I can admit that it was out of ignorance and not out of not caring. And apart from the fact that cheese tastes nice!!!
After a long time I finally decided that I could do this, that I could go completely animal free although -and please don't hate me!- I still have leather shoes and a jacket mainly because I'm wearing it until it gives up rather than just chucking it. I think that throwing it away would be a disservice as I do not wish to bin what that animal gave up for us. It's a weird one but in time I might change my mind.

Now back to why I gave up eggs and diary... It's hard when you're force fed lies about farming and sometimes it is easier to just tell yourself that surely it can't be all bad. Like free range eggs for example, in my mind I genuinely believed that hens would live like they did at my gran's: a quiet, sedate, stress free life with lots of acreage to roam and do what a chicken normally does. My nan (my main cooking muse) had chickens and she cared for them with attention to their needs and lots of love even though occasionally she would slaughter one for the table.

But what I learnt was that not all chickens live that life. Egg hens aren't living a beautiful paradise though much has improved since the time of battery farms there is still a long way to go.
I'm not here to force feed you an agenda or to preach - I'm happy with people choosing to look into their diets and even if they go one day a week meat/animal free than that's a positive! Although in a perfect world how amazing would it be if we could be a plant based society? Not only would we be helping the planet but also eradicating famine and animal exploitation.

So yes- and you'll notice that I write/say "so" and "yes" a lot!- this blog will serve as a personal recipe book but also a place to share those recipes. What ever your reason is for being here, welcome and I hope you enjoy baking and cooking as much as I do!

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